
Yes, I've not blogged for the longest time....and I sincerely thank those of you who are still popping in here now and then to check-up on me! :)

It's been a great couple of months, from Seattle to Bangladesh to Kemaman and back to work. I've got loads to share about this so I'm up for dinners and such, I'll tell you more then!

Part of the hiatus is contributed to a new-found hobby and love - jewelry-making. I thank God for giving me gifts and talents, that my hands can make pretty things. So if you're ever interested, pop in at Choobs to have a look!

I watched a movie this week with bubs and we came across this sign that said,
"If you like our service, please tell your friends, if you do not, please tell us!"

So by all means, do the same as you visit Choobs :) Enjoy!


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