I've always liked this photo.

It seems so aptly captured...as if God were holding out grace to us with such tender-loving and open hands, beckoning us to the shelther of His grace....all the while knowing that we feel unworthy of it.

It's been awhile since I've written (don't scream at me just yet!) and many exciting and challenging things have happened in that period of abscence. I thank God for each and every one of them.

I loved end-of-year breaks because it just gives me the time to breathe, store up on sleep (bonus!), shop (yes, you heard me right!) and relive my hobbies for the one and a half weeks until everything goes back into storage again :)

But it's also a time where I look back at the year (who doesn't? ;p) and thank God for all the blessings He's poured upon my life and into the lives of those around me.

I'm particularly thankful the evidence of His hand upon my family, and the many things that He's seen each of them through this year - completely healing, restoration of relationships, answered prayers for the many positions that needed to be filled, the refreshing gift of children and most of all, salvation.

I testified in church at the last YA service, that indeed God honours your obedience to Him. I've not once regretted bending my will to His, even at times when it doesn't make sense. 2008 brought about the miracle of health, promotions, increments, bonuses, position, new business, and etc....but I boast not of these things because I recognize that ALL of it, has truly been God's grace and blessing. And for all the challenges and hardships (which were numerous!), God's providence and preparation for the future.

While a lot of people are forecasting a dreary and difficult 2009, I believe that God will see us through, and believe me when I say this is neither naivete nor is it ignorance but trust.

Psalm 9:10
Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Here's to a bigger and better 2009 :)

p/s: Do you know that traditionalists call this year the year of the Blind Cow? That's why couples opted to get married in Dec 2008 so as to not spillover to this year, cos it's bad luck. Weird.

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