Back & Better!

I loved my trip to the east coast!

A lot of time spent just driving to touristy sites (it was Jon's first time) and of course, that included lots & lots of eating! My cousin, Hwee Yin, has featured the small-town yummy-licious specialties in Tastebud-Talk, head on here.

But what I really loved the most was spending time with my relatives, my cousins were a blast - thanks so much for the fun and laughter, de-stressing with you guys was the best!

.....and of course, the beach.....

Click click click away....

On that note, yes, it's a new template for a new season. The holiday allowed for time to rest the chugging brain machine but also a little breathing space for touchpoints. Plan, baby, plan - that's the buzzword for the season!

Here's a pinky-swear for more consistent posts to come :)

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