Is it really that easy?

Keep it simple.
No clutter.
Straight to the point.
Do what matters (most).

Even finding the right visual for this post took me awhile. How simple can it really be?

I'm discovering the more I try to do, the more I question how impactful the things I do are - whether they really matter, whether they really make a difference, whether it makes a fundamental change in the life of even one person.

I often ask if it'd be possible to stretch my days to occupy 25-26 hours, but I'm starting to think, even if it was possible, I'd still remain this clueless.

Prioritisation was never a great strength of mine, knowing with certainty and having great clarity has never been an inherent trait of my character. But I believe the little things matter, and maybe I just can't tell which little things I should attend to, that make the most ripples.

If I could, I'd be there for almost everyone I can, do everything with every ounce of strength I can muster. Isn't there a way to balance it all and make it work?

That's wisdom I really need.   

1 comment:

Papati said...

I don't know if anyone has found a complete answer to that question.

Most of us just stumble through it, doing what we can, and trying to enjoy the process along the way.

And many times, stepping out and doing these things are truly enjoyable and meaningful.

Just keep going. :)